Saturday, May 15, 2010

Absolut Insomniac

So Jules was asking me about today's race, "Does the boat ever capsize?" I answered him in the utmost stoic manner and confidence. "Nope! Chances of it sinking's like close to none." And then I heard the horns, I was up next. Blame it on the lack of weight allocation. Blame it on the tidal waves. Bottom line was that for the first time in my dragon boating history, our sturdy lil "ship" overturned right at the finishing line. Way to go for the weekends.

The need to graduate NOW is finally seeping into my veins. I gotta desist staring at the puddle of spilt milk and put words into action. I will not miss that damned place. To me its like the catacombs of trash and confinement. I will not reminisce about it. This pathetic excuse for an educational abode has left nothing indelible for me to remember and has not enlightened me in any way I can think of. Even that rut of a junior college was waaay slick. As the June bells loom nearer, I begin my very own countdown where I will be rid of the pathetic culture that I refused to comply to.

I'm spiralling and losing my religion. For temporary pacifism I threw my rulebooks out of the window. I know that it is fatal and I gotta think of the big picture but I can be such a stubborn twat at times.

C was telling me something thought provoking and strangely enough, I agree with every word in silence. I'll run that extra mile and make sure that I leave out the dirt on the trails as long as my legs will carry me. At the end of the tunnel at whatever crossroads we reach, I'll be able to hold my head up high and tell you that you were never short changed.

It starts to seep into your very flesh past your skin and soon you realise that it has consumed you. You would like to think otherwise but you know it. You pretend for a while that it isn't the case and put on some armadillo cloak as part of the props for your little "act". A psuedo aura of indifference surrounds you for a temporary period - like how the booze and tobacco are your fair weathered friends. Because you know. You know that eventually your scars will show. Run swiftly, there is no such thing as a safe haven in this time.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strobelight Seduction

All the world's a stage and the men and women merely players. When is enough really enough?

You can play the fool or the runaway.
