Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time to Pretend

Let's sweep the dust under the carpets.

2 more weeks to liberty. Can't wait to get out of this shithole. Pathetic attempt to fill the curriculum with such a pointless and redundant activity. Academic exams never looked so good.

You're a real bad habit. You should have known better and conceal those lies flawlessly. What a misjudgement. You asked me to give you the big T word but how can I do that when you give me every reason not to? Consider being more meticulous when you cover your tracks. I'm no Sherlock Holmes but your masking job was simply too half baked. I created a monster.

Fucking weather. The world is obviously a dead man's land. Melting ice at the Antarctica and whatnot. Its April and it pours nearly every afternoon on this sunny island. Sunny island we say, how ironic. Mother Nature's ever changing temperament is honestly not my concern but the fact that it is affecting my tennis and beach plans drastically is exasperating.

I wonder. I evicted you a long time ago and all that remains is the memory of my days of yore. Should there be a day you send me the big red envelope I wonder if it will all come back like a plethora of moving images in a vortex. I'd do it all again, differently.

1 comment:

r said...

hey. never knew you were so deep. you really touch me. i feel... saved. i read your blog everyday. its a nice refreshment from the everyday norm.