Monday, March 22, 2010

Longest. Hiatus. Ever.

And as quoted by J, "like how all things in Andrew's life ceases to lose its attraction, so has this blog". But what do you know? I'm back. For now.

I'm astounded at the number of facades I found. Seeing isn't believing. I wonder how many people take joy in the demise of others, its like a basic instinct. We run our mouths to save ourselves, we seal it out because of the looming catastrophe. Fucking paradox.

I am trapped in pandora's box. You toss out the unwanted debris only to have your fresh fruits turn into poison apples as well. Vicious cycle. Maybe the only solution is to oblivious and rid of worldly desires, nothing to gain, nothing to lose.

I pretend to be unaware because its easier that way. It doesn't mean I'm accomodating and the keyword here is 'pretend'. I'll play along with this masquerade until the ice wears thin. And truth be told, its losing its charm. There's always a first for everything and your unstained track record does not reflect on anything concrete enough. The way I see it, you just might be creating a new record of your own. We will never know until the well runs dry and I'll admit that I had a fair share in your risky business. But it is no excuse and I will never give you that benefit because we're all wise enough to differentiate from a mirage to reality. When the last grain of sand in the hourglass falls I will be well on my way and nothing would matter anymore. Till then, be safe and remember to cover your tracks because the walls have ears.

Lie to protect. Lie to conceal. Lie for selfishness. Lie and destroy.


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