Monday, May 26, 2008


I think I'm accident prone.


Anyhow, just something I've observed. Initially, one may be turned off by certain specimens of the human race, but after a break from interacting with them, they actually become quite bearable and in some instances even pleasurable to be with them.

Queer innit? And I don't think it applies to me solely, but goes across the board.

On a different note, I'm glad I finally got round to tailoring my suit for sis' wedding.


Carpe Diem!
- Jake

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The boredom in pandora's box is stupefying me. I could have been having a sandwich with Shuxian and gang but nohoho, I chose to attend this ridiculously dreadful make up class for the Internet and Web module.

The Vesak Day public holiday turned out to be pretty fruitful in its own uncanny way. I managed to be a gym rat from 2.30 pm till 7 in the evening, and then drag myself to Del Mar only because I intended to keep my promise to Jo and Idy. The 2-hour bodycombat special was spectacular and I couldn't ask for more. It was like a furnace in there as the condensation and mist formed on the glass panes, with the floor tiles being covered in... sweat. The dude behind me formed his very own puddle of sweat and I was pretty awed that he didn't trip. Inititally, when the other dude in front splashed his perspiration on me whenever he was hyped up or moved vigorously, I bothered to wipe his grime away. However, as the class proceeded into the 11th hour, it really didn't matter anymore.

Pardon me for the grotesque details of the human skin secretion, but here's something a lil' more interesting. At the Del Mar with Idy and friends, a dandy bunch of Europeans were having a ball of a time sipping cocktails, dancing and occasionally challenging each other to swimming races. All seemed pretty normal until this girl, who prolly had too much to drink, pulled out her friend's bikini top. They seemed extremely tickled and humoured despite the fact that their dear friend was topless in a pool with wondering foreign eyes. The shrill laughter and giggles only subsided when a burly Indian male employee decided to stop by and warn them that stripping was not an option in the Del Mar's premises.

I discovered a dark secret recently. It's the kind of hidden truths regarding a second lifestyle that you can't just share with anyone for fear of contempt or disdain. I guess I seemed impartial enough that my friend had no qualms telling me about the shocking truth. Its amazing how human behaviour can conceal so much and create a facade for the world. Just when you thought that religious sanctuaries were the light at the end of the tunnel if the world was an evil place, you thought wrong.

But of course, we are in no position to judge because our hands are often stained with the very imperfections that we were scrutinising at.


Friday, May 16, 2008

The darkness among us.

The sanctuary of God. The secrets within revealed by years spent in an educational institute. Wow.
2 educational enforcers with such a dark past. Scary. A past fraught with entanglements of a different kind.

God I'm too free at work. :x


- Jake

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bird Without a Nest

Why did Adam eat the apple knowing that he was not supposed to? Well, it's because the act of eating the forbidden fruit is simply adrenaline-pumping and in other words, exciting compared to doing something routine-ish. And so I started looking for my very own forbidden fruit, but all I found were rotten apples that even Nigeria would reject.

Mother's Day wasn't that good. To be honest, things with the folks aren't good at all. In a futile attempt to wish my mom on that fateful sunday turned out to be a catastrophe. Maybe if all lips were sealed, calamity wouldn't have striked. I blame the stock market. Mid-life hormones can be such a bitch too.

Just when I assumed that Europe was the epitome of sex, drugs , rock and roll, and of course inclusive of all the marijuana and magic shrooms, some weird ass Ukranian guy proved me wrong. Or maybe it was merely an act to pick up a couple of girls from Cafe Del Mar? "Zis cigarat iz bad. I am a swimmer and it makes you looze all ze energy." Later, I heard from my friend who was an employee at the Del Mar that he and his little bunch of Ukranian hippies were banned from the place cos they kept intruding on the patrons' privacy; with significant reference to women in particular of course.

I was literally ass-raped at my first spinning class in the gym. It was after much persuasion from Idy and James that I decided to step foot into that class for the first time. I pretty much tried everything from yoga to capoeira, but I had no idea what spinning could do to your faggot ass.

And a part of Jack still lived with Jill,
After all, they went down the hill.
But soon enough dear Jack will know,
that memories, can never grow.


Monday, May 12, 2008


I just had to. Gahahaha. Amazing how the english language can drive some people up the wall.

Yay, just ordered another controller for my xbox360. sweeeeeet.

Money matters, what a headache. Petty cash bah.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Where's Waldo?

You grow your nails too long
There's scratches on your arms
You taste like orange chocolate
You always put your hands in my pockets

Your teeth are not quite straight
Your mood swings oscillates
Your language is appalling
And you play with my hair in the morning

Your imperfections are so beautiful
I can't control my animal soul
Your imperfection has got me on a chain
Can't concentrate
I'm a sucker for your beautiful mistakes

And sometimes when we kiss
You touch my fingertips
Synthetic words can't hide me
Passion creeps like death inside me

This moment we become one
We stick like chewing gum
I want your language to be appalling
I want you to play with my hair in the morning

Your imperfections are so beautiful
I can't control my animal soul
Your imperfection has got me on a chain
Can't concentrate
I'm a sucker for your beautiful mistakes

Your imperfections are so beautiful
I can't control my animal soul
Your imperfection has got me on a chain
Can't concentrate

Your imperfections make you what you are
My defective star
My inelegant love

Your imperfections are so beautiful
I'm out of control
I'm a sucker for the defects in your, your soul

- Jake

Sunday, May 4, 2008

In Vino Veritas

So I see it was all one big mistake.
A slip of the fingers. One wrong click.

But still...
Your funny clothes. Your eclectic taste in music
Your horrid taste in men. Your quirky habits.
And yet there's something about you that draws me to you.

What is it about you? Your smile? Your sex appeal?

Somehow at the same time, I hardly feel attraction for you. If that makes sense at all.

One word - See-Saw.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

It doesn't help that you're sick bro. I miss our conversations.
Seems like we've got so much catching up to do.
And the last time we really talked feels like years away.

Get well soon.

Night Fever

It was a humid night on the eve of may day. It was also then that I encountered people from my opposite world. I am not particularly fond of having a vibrant night life, but Idy suggested that we should do something considering that the following day was a public holiday. She brought along a friend. This friend of hers, if I remember correctly, her name was Jolene. Jolene looked like a petite version of Fiona Xie and her face gave away no sign of what was looming next. The moment she opened her mouth, hell had no fury.

She used so much hokkien profanities that if she were to compete with the beer-goggled oldies at the coffee shop, she would win them hands down. I would be making a mountain out of a molehill if not for her constant whining throughout the entire night. However, she put an end to all my discontentment when she lost her 2 month old camera. I actually felt sorry for her despite the fact that she blatantly told Idy "All guys should pay for girls, they deserve it". For some strange reason, a song started playing in my head - John Meyer's Where Did All The Good people Go?

I know you've probably heard this upteen times already, but the weather is getting intolerable. I also believe that it is the culprit for giving me this 38 degrees fever right now. The only reason I'm posting is because I have a project presentation to complete, which, is due tomorrow. Life bites you in the backside like that. The weather has also made the trains smell of putrid dried up sweat and a collection of body odour lurking beneath the clothes. I recall doing a project the last semester on Global Warming and with scientific reasoning, this could most probably be Mother Nature's wrath. Maybe if Britney Spears or Paris Hilton desisted using heaps of aerosol hairsprays for their picture perfect hairdos, the ozone layer might have been more forgiving.