She used so much hokkien profanities that if she were to compete with the beer-goggled oldies at the coffee shop, she would win them hands down. I would be making a mountain out of a molehill if not for her constant whining throughout the entire night. However, she put an end to all my discontentment when she lost her 2 month old camera. I actually felt sorry for her despite the fact that she blatantly told Idy "All guys should pay for girls, they deserve it". For some strange reason, a song started playing in my head - John Meyer's Where Did All The Good people Go?
I know you've probably heard this upteen times already, but the weather is getting intolerable. I also believe that it is the culprit for giving me this 38 degrees fever right now. The only reason I'm posting is because I have a project presentation to complete, which, is due tomorrow. Life bites you in the backside like that. The weather has also made the trains smell of putrid dried up sweat and a collection of body odour lurking beneath the clothes. I recall doing a project the last semester on Global Warming and with scientific reasoning, this could most probably be Mother Nature's wrath. Maybe if Britney Spears or Paris Hilton desisted using heaps of aerosol hairsprays for their picture perfect hairdos, the ozone layer might have been more forgiving.

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