Saturday, April 12, 2008


The night is a lovely thing really. The troubles and toils of day fade away to be replaced by a silent still darkness.

Some people hate the night. The darkness frightens them. I was too when I was little, I had the habit of charging up the dimly lit staircase at home to grab a piece of homework from my room then dashing madly downstairs, afraid to look back. Afraid to see something I didn't want to.

The sense of panic a kid feels when he thinks something eerie is looming behind him cannot be comprehended. Your heart starts pounding furiously and you run as fast as your little legs can carry you.

Ah being afraid of the dark - that reminds me of the good ol' days.

When all you had to worry about was how to convince mom and dad to buy you that new RC car and the price of sweets.

Or whether the bogey man would come and get you at midnight.

Things were much less complex then.

When friends fought and made up instantly, when love was simplistic and selfless.

When smiles and tears were powered by the innocence of youth.

When we were young.

- Jake

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