Saturday, April 12, 2008

Shallow Intentions

HAHA and you said you weren't going to be emo. Chin up brother, many tadpoles in the longkang.
Go easy on yourself alright?

Anyhow we saw a suspicious article on the train just now. Fucking funny lah, it was just sitting there. And like a public turd, many an auntie couldn't stop gawking at it.

Here's a picture.

Weird as. Maybe there's a chopped up girl in there or something. That'd be wicked. :D

My body's aching after a long shoulders session at the gym. And my wrists hurt like hell. Damn, my body's falling to bits. Need to get those wrist straps!

Alright that's it for now, if you haven't noticed already, Drew and I differ greatly when it comes to posting. I, with an extremely short attention span, can only blog for so long. Ah dunno how you do it bruv. I shall attempt it. Some day.

- Jake

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